45th Reunion - Dinner Cruise August 24, 2013 |

1. Taken during Dinner. It doesn't get any better
than this!

2. Gigi Haglund

3. Jeff Lambert; Bruce Wagner and Louise Nelson on the front
deck |

4: Pat Bauer after being asked if he followed
politics. |
Some people like to be photographed more than others. If you have some
good photos, contact us!
45th Reunion
Click any Photo
for large view Note: Main people in
foreground are listed; photos are edited for posting size. Original Images
available by request Photos from Dale
Swanson |

5. Steve Frick enjoys the view |

6. Peter Gordienko; Tom Newell in back |

7: Rick Johnson, Cruise Photographer |

8. Tom Newell and Randy Lofgren

9. Pete Gordienko & Debbie Abelson share a moment |

10. The QEII rear deck. Tom Buranen; Steve Tibbetts; Jeff
Walton; Dan Goodmundsen; Sue Hursh |

11. Tom Buranen & Louise Nelson (left); Jerry Jubert (back);
Steve Tibbetts & Jeff Walton (right)

12. Jerry Jubert |

13. Dan Goodmundsen

14. Chris Utz demonstrates the wind-blown look |

15. Gigi Haglund and Susie Hursh enjoy the moment |

16. Bonnie McCannel and Patti Keever |

17. Gary Midge & Tim Garbett

15. Our Cruise visited the rich and famous. Yes, we really
did see these places! |

16. A couple small houses on the lake |

17. Pat Bauer, as Class Officer and VP, agreed to rent this place for
the 50th reunion party.
Thanks, Pat!