40th Reunion
- Cruise 4
August 23, 2008 |

1. Linda Gorman;
Bobbie Godward

2. Setup..

Queen of Excelsior

4: Queen of Excelsior
Some people like to be photographed more than
others. No one escaped with
only one photo!
Click any Photo
for large view Note: Main people in
foreground are listed; photos are edited for posting size. Original Images
available by request Photos from
Debbie Abelson |

5. ?; Debbie Abelson;
Lucia Harmon

6. Sue Wells;
Marilyn Streeter

7: Sue Tobler; Gigi Haglund; other cruise guests

8. Tom Newell;
Steve Frick

9. Sue Wells & friend

10. Bruce Wagner;
Dale Swanson

11. Mr. & Mrs.
Doug Vogel

12. Liz Wyatt;
Viciki Linden;
Kathy Nelson

13. Boarding the hungry masses

14. Boarding.
Please remain calm.



17. Boarding Area

18. Gathering time

19. Gathering time

20. Susan Wells

21. Glen Skinner;
Luke Stemmer

22. We survived high school

23. Sun worshipers

24. Liz Wyatt;
Vicki Linden

25. Sue Wells

26. Mr. & Mrs. Tom Newell

27. Tim Hawthorne;
Debbie Abelson

28. Luke Stemmer

29. Dusty Macgregor

30. Dan Goodmundson;
Mike Colson

31. Jim Wicklatz

32. Mike Colson;
Tom Newell;
Jeff Lambert

33. Larry Carlston;
Bruce Wagner

34. Steve Frick; Sue Wells

35. Guests

36. Larry Carlston;
Mike Colson

37. Jeff Lambert;
Debbie Abelson

38. Lower level luxury

39. Janice Kellar

40. Kathy Nelson

41. Jeff Walton;
Pat Bauer

42. Mark LaBerge;
Mark Allen

43. Peter Gordienko

44. Bobbie Godward;
Steve Zank;
Wendy Raun |

45. Mary Finazzo

46. Dale Swanson |

47. Linda Gorman

48. Great Boat!

49. Bobbie Godward;
Mark Allen

50. Top Deck